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Introducing Pete G., Blog Ambassador

This post was written by Children's Museum Blog Ambassador, Pete G. Follow Pete's posts on the blog or follow him on Twitter @adadinfluence.

First of all I want to say I'm super excited to be a Blog Ambassador for the Children's Museum! Who wouldn't want to partner with one of the coolest places for kids in Indiana? Since I'll be sharing stories of trips my family and I take to the museum, and the adventures we have as a result of those trips, I thought it made sense to introduce myself.

This summer my wife and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. A busy ten years it has been. 

I spent the first several years teaching seventh graders, until we had our third child, then I put away my lesson plan book for good. I’ve been a stay-at-home dad, "dad blogger," and monthly columnist for Indy's Child (True Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Dad and A Dad Influence) ever since.

These last 10 years my wife and I have made it through her medical school, her residency, and now are transitioning to her life as a physician in private practice. 


The kids: 

  • First Born is in the third grade. She’s a pretty typical oldest child. She plays the “mom role” to her siblings any chance she gets and considers herself a third parent. She uses the phrase “the kids” when referring to her brother and sister, and is a self-described instant expert for just about every activity she’s ever participated in.
  • Middle man is our boy. Like many five-year-old boys, he loves Batman, Transformers, Lego, Hot Wheels, and baseball. He’s a pretty chill, easy going little guy…most of the time, but when he puts his foot down about something, there is not a more stubborn person in our house (except for maybe me.) In fact, my wife recently had an epiphany that the reason she can relate to Middle Man so well is because she's been dealing with his "personality" (ahem, me) for a decade now and is used to it.
  • Blonde Bomber, age 3, is the “baby” of the family. She makes my life impossibly hard most days. I never knew one person could be such a joy and a pain at the same time. She's the one I struggle with as she takes hours to get dressed and put shoes on in the morning, and just as I’m about to lose my mind, she gets herself ready and gives me a big hug. Of all three siblings, she's the one with the mouth of a sailor (gets it from her mom ;) ). 

That pretty much sums up my inner circle. 

Like I said, I'm really excited to work for The Children's Museum for the next few months.  The museum has been a huge part of my kids' lives. From the time First Born was learning to walk, where we would literally pray there would be an available lawn mower to push around Playscape so she wouldn't throw a fit, to our annual trip down the Jolly Days slide, countless carousel rides, and Middle Man's obsession with the Hot Wheels exhibit. All our trips end with the kids having had a fun and sometimes educational time.

So, stay tuned, there will be many adventures to talk about over the next six months. Don't miss out on any of it, make sure to follow along at #blogTCM.

See you at the Children's Museum!

- Pete