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Barbie and Dinosaurs

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40296","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","title":"Explorers","alt":"Explorers"}}]]One of my favorite trips to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis happened last summer (2010). I took my daughter, Madeline, and her good friend Maggie. They are both five. The girls are best friends and get along very well, but they have slightly different personalities. Never fear, they both found their favorite things at the Children's Museum.

Maggie is a fashionista at the age of five. She gives her mom tips on which shoes to wear. And she really has a talent for putting an outfit together. The other day she was trying to convince Madeline to wear a skirt--"Oh come ON, Maddie..."--complete with exasperated sigh.

Madeline, my daughter, insists on wearing t-shirts and stretch pants exclusively. Her favorite spots at the museum are the Dinosphere and ScienceWorks.

So, when Maggie dragged Madeline into the Barbie exhibit I didn't know how it would go. No worries...they both had a terrific time. The girls were completely absorbed in playing dress up, dressing the dolls in scraps of fabrics, and looking at the historical Barbie dioramas.

Maggie, in her turn, enjoyed every bit of science and dinosaurs that we dug up together. It was a great trip and just shows you how exploring the Children's Museum can push boundaries and lead to new discoveries, even for budding scientists and fashion designers!

Name: Stephanie Fisher