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Learning and Having Fun at the Indianapolis Children's Museum

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40326","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"350","height":"263","title":"Explorer","alt":"Explorer"}}]]There is no better place to explore and instill a love of learning in my children than the Indianapolis Children's Museum. I love taking my daughters, Elaina (4) and Evelyn (2) to the museum at least once a month. The exhibits are always changing, and there's never enough time to see everything before they wear out! Whether it's just gazing in wonder at the Dale Chihuly glass exhibit or the model railroad trains going around and around the track, my daughters always have a great time. They love digging for dinosaur bones and seeing the larger than life dinosaurs and the thunder sounds in the Dinosphere exhibit. We always make a trip to the PlayScape area, where the kids love the water and sand and various places to explore. We even enjoyed the Take me to Egypt exhibit and it's simulated airplane ride, where the kids were able to experience what it was like to fly on an airplane before they took their first real plane ride last summer. The girls' favorite exhibit so far has been Barbie The Fashion Experience -- not only looking at the beautiful items on display but getting to dress up and pretend they are a fashion model. There's so much hands-on learning and fun, and as a mom, I really enjoy watching them interact in the exhibits and see the joy that they experience from exploring.

Name: Susan Young