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We LOVE the Children's Museum!

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40371","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","title":"Explorer","alt":"Explorer"}}]]We moved to Carmel from Memphis in the late summer of 2009 for my husband's job. We knew not one person for miles and miles! So the first thing we did was to get a membership to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis and start exploring! My daughter, who will be three in August LOVES the museum. One of our first visits was to the "Barbie" exhibit where we were chosen to be in the fashion show and whisked backstage for hair, makeup and rehearsals. The "fashionista" and her "assistant" played their parts very well. I was amused and my daughter was enthralled. I have the most amazing memories, pictures and videos from that day and Presley still brings it up when we see a Barbie doll.

We also were fascinated by the Water Clock! Wow! We arrived at just the right time. (I've attached a picture of Presley looking at the clock on one of our first trips.) My goal is to take a local field trip once a week in order to acclimate myself and my daughter to our home and region. We call it "Field Trip Friday" but sometimes we have to change the day. I thought I would only come to the museum during the weeks with bad weather but I find myself coming even in the summertime. We have never seen even half of the museum and I assume it will never get old even when we do.

The Dora and Diego exhibit is the latest hit in our house and the dinosaur exhibit is my favorite. We love the healthy food options, the museum store and, most importantly, the little bitty potties. Of course, no trip to the museum is complete without a ride on the gorgeous carousel. We LOVE the Children's Museum!

Name: Angie Moll