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Our Family♥

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39619","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","title":"Explorers","alt":"Explorers"}}]]Our family consists of three: Mom, Dad and Kaden. We try to come to The Children's Museum of Indianapolis at least once a month. We love to just spend the day exploring the different exhibits and activities! We haven't been since the addition of "Bumblebee" which will be a hit for our family.... Transformers is a favorite at our house. Kaden's 5th birthday was in March and the theme was Transformers!! I have wonderful pictures that were taken at The Children's Museum, especially when Kaden was younger in Playscape on a tractor and in the Dinosphere posing with dinos!! We love to be adventurous, often spending spring and summer outdoors at parks or Brown County! Riding the Carousel is a must every trip!! We love to find new things everytime we come and think a scavenger hunt sounds awesome!!

Name: Ashley Seagle