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iCarly is iNcredible!

Thanks to our partnership with Nickelodeon on our new Dora and Diego: Let’s Explore! exhibit, we also had the opportunity to feature some cool costumes from their hit show, iCarly, in Incredible Costumes from Film and TV.  When I asked our contact at Nick TV if we could have a little additional information about the costumes for the show, I thought I might get a short quote to use on a label.  But check this out—costume designer Kris Dangl gave us a fantastic look at her thought process in choosing costumes for iCarly!  Many thanks to Kris, and all our friends at Nick who made our iCarly costume display happen.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39737","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"300","height":"450","title":"iCarly Costumes","alt":"iCarly Costumes"}}]]When designing the costumes for iCarly, I try to use layers, long-sleeves and light weight jackets. This reminds the viewer the show takes place in Seattle, but doesn't bog down the actor with too much heavy fabric. I use a lot of bright colors but I like to mix them with neutrals...denim, blacks and greys as well as tans and olives. I like every outfit to have something special about it. Special may just mean something that I like very much or something that reminds me of my childhood. I draw inspiration from music, art, places, and people that have had an impact on me. But these "special" things need to blend and be harmonious with the whole scene and every actor and set involved. I like it when I'm the only person who know what is special about that outfit.

Carly's black and hot pink costume worn in "iStart a Fan War" is a pretty classic example of the "Carly" silhouette. Skinny jeans tucked into boots, a feminine top, and a light weight jacket. Because this outfit was for a special occasion I punched up the color contrast. The silk of the hot pink blouse contrasted against the studded black jacket is kind of quintessentially Carly. She is soft and feminine as well as cool and rock n roll. Carly is a very practical, hard working girl but she's very sweet and romantic. I try to cut every soft, flowy, romantic element with quite a bit of a practical, denim, tomboy egde. When Carly first steps into the Webicon entrance she is surrounded by colors and graphics, but she is the only person in the whole scene in THESE colors.

Sam's classic Penny Tee and cargo combo worn in the opening scene of i"Space Out" is also a classic example of the "Sam" silhouette. Sam is always holding or revealing things ie: food. Thats why I love using cargo pants on her. They are part of her survival gear. Her top half is layered for the Seattle flavor. I always use a very fitted bottom layer so that the layered tops fit smoothly to the body and don't bulk up the actress. This thermal happens to have umbrellas on it which also reflects the weather in Seattle. The Penny tee's were designed by the show's creater, Dan Schneider. He and the writing staff come up with random sayings and I have the shirts made always with contrasting trim and a penny on the left sleeve. Occasionally the saying on the Penny Tee will have a slight reference to the subject matter of the script but mostly they are just what they are..."RANDOM". Sam almost always wears sneakers...again part of her survival gear. Sam is mostly up to no good or she is lounging, sleeping or eating. Her costumes need to be relaxed and get-up-and-go.

If you're looking for fun family vacation ideas this spring break, the Incredible Costumes from Film and TV  exhibit is at the museum March 12–May 8.