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Keeping a few tips in mind will help make your visit extraordinary

By Kerry Baker, Manager of Security Operations

The holiday season is a busy time of year at The Children’s Museum. With so many people and so much activity, we encourage you to go over a few visit tips with your family before you come.

Security staff and child

Scott Soladine is one of many security staff who work hard to keep visitors safe.

First and foremost, the museum takes your and your family’s health and safety very seriously. Our security specialist staff (who can be seen in the yellow shirts) are always keeping an eye on what’s happening throughout the museum and the garage.  We have trained EMTs on staff and a first aid room where we take care of visitors who might need first aid. If you or someone with you needs help, let a staff person know or pick up a red emergency phone. The red phones are located on each level around the ramp near each elevator. Picking up a phone will automatically dial the museum’s security department.

Red emergency phones are located near the elevators.

When the museum has a high volume of visitors, it’s easy for family members to become separated. We recommend you talk with your children about what to do in case they can’t find you. Each gallery has at least one museum staff person working at all times. If a child gets separated from you, we recommend you instruct the child to find a staff person wearing a museum badge or stay in one place so their grownup can find them. If an adult can’t find a child, we recommend again telling a staff person or picking up one of the red emergency phones. The security department will be immediately notified and will dispatch a call to staff to help find your child.  Please remain calm.  We are trained to find your little one.

Even though we are constantly monitoring the museum, sometimes valuables get lost or turn up missing. We recommend locking valuables in the trunk of your car, and avoid leaving purses and cameras in unattended strollers. For your convenience, coat check is available for $1 and self-serve lockers are available for $.75 and $1 on Level 1 in the Welcome Center. All items that are found get turned in to the museum’s Concierge, who keeps a log of all items. If you’ve lost an item, we encourage you to contact the Concierge and ask if it was turned in – even if it’s following your visit. If we have the item, we will mail it to you at no charge.

We want you to have an extraordinary experience at The Children’s Museum, which is why we work extra hard to make sure your family is safe and well-cared-for while you are here. If you keep these few tips in mind, you should have a wonderful and worry-free visit with your family.