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National Jelly Bean Day

By Cathy Donnelly, Manager of Exhibit Development

Today (April 22) is National Jelly Bean Day—a sweet day to come to The Children’s Museum to see eight Jelly Belly® Masterpieces.  Each one is a recreation of a famous artwork, like The Starry Night or Mona Lisa, made entirely out of jelly beans!

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40344","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"250","height":"322","title":"Kristen Cumings","alt":"Kristen Cumings"}}]]All of the jelly bean art was created by Kristen Cumings from Martinez, California. How does she do it? She starts by sketching an image on a framed board.  Next, she sprays an adhesive and sticks the beans, one by one, over the sketch. She might use as many as 20-30 different colors—or flavors—of Jelly Belly® Jelly Beans in each work. And up to 15,000 beans!  When she’s done, she pours a resin over the artwork to keep the beans in place.  It can take more than 60 hours to create just one artwork!

So does she ever snack on the Jelly Belly® beans while she works? Kristen says no, because she’s afraid she won’t be able to stop!  (But she did admit that Sour Cherry was her favorite flavor.)

The jelly bean art is on display at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis until June 1.  Hurry in to see a sweet treat for your eyes!

Check out our Jelly Bean Art page to find some fun activities to try at home on National Jelly Bean Day!