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So much bang for your buck!!

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39111","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","title":"Explorer","alt":"Explorer"}}]]We have a family membership to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, and that has paid for itself time and time again! My three year old son is a dinosaur FANATIC! In fact, he calls it the dinosaur museum:o)! It's so awesome to watch as he explores every inch of the dinosphere as if it's the first time he's ever seen it...telling the workers about the t-rex, the duckbills, and so on. As we drag him from the exhibit, we make our way through each and every exhibit. In fact, a few weeks ago on our last visit, we made time to take in the Frog Prince performance. It was fantastic!!!

We frequently bring friends and other family members when we come. And what I love is the ability to bring in a sack lunch for everyone. It saves us money and really speaks to the museum trying to ensure that everyone can come and enjoy what they have to offer. I am also always grateful for the free parking they provide, as that too makes it easier for a family to make a day of the museum. We will be renewing our membership soon, and no doubt that this year it will prove to be one of our best investments ever! And we can't wait to see the new national geographic exhibit!

Name: Amanda Roberts