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This Week's WOW Ep. 6

By Becky Wolfe, School Programs Science Programmer

Polar bears and penguins have developed special adaptations that allow them to live in extremely cold temperatures. One adaptation is a special layer of fat called blubber.  This layer, just under the surface of the skin, is helps keep the animal warm. 

You can do an experiment at home to see how blubber works. To make a blubber glove you will need two quart size zip top plastic bags, vegetable shortening, and a large bowl of ice water.  Take one plastic bag and fill it half full with shortening.  Turn the second bag inside out and carefully slide it into the bag with the shortening. Match up the zip-tops and seal them together.  The shortening will be trapped between the layers of plastic bag.

To test your blubber glove, make sure shortening is evenly distributed between the bag layers. Dip one hand into the ice water to feel how cold the water is on your hand.  Make sure you only leave your hand in water for a few seconds. Place your other hand inside the blubber glove and place it in the water.  Make sure you keep the top of the bag above the water.  Which hand stayed warmer in the water?

To learn more about animal adaptations, visit the Polar Bears to Penguins exhibit!