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Children's Museum Preschool--What a Year!

By Cathy Southerland, Preschool Manager

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40260","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"300","height":"225","title":"Children","alt":"Children"}}]]Oh, the places you’ll go . . . when you are a student in The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Preschool! This year the preschoolers have visited every exhibit, gallery, and icon in the museum. They rode in a Tuk-Tuk in Take Me There: Egypt, they dug for fossils in Dinosphere, and they cared for lost animals at the Animal Rescue Center in Dora and Diego. Now that's hands on learning! They think of the entire museum as their classroom—the world’s largest classroom! The best part is that they get to do this in small groups when no one else is in the museum—every day before it opens to the public. 

Back in the classroom amazing artifacts from the museum Collections are brought in for the children to see and occasionally touch . . . wearing the curator gloves of course! It has been a great year for our preschool students and their families. We look forward to August when we welcome next year’s preschoolers to The Children’s Museum Preschool for another year of wonder and discovery! 

There are still a few spots left in the four day a week classes. Find out how your preschooler can be part of the fun next year!