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The Dawson Family of Explorers

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39166","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","title":"Explorers","alt":"Explorers"}}]]It was a rainy day. In the Dawson family, we are not for certain why Rainy Days normally get a bad rap. Sure, we suppose to some it may limit your mobility or your motivation. Sure, the rain may be cold and uninviting. But if you’re an explorer – you must push on, even in the harshest of climates.

So, on that rainy morning the Dawson family of Noblesville, IN geared up for our latest adventure. The exploration satchel (backpack with family necessities) was packed, and the camera was secured, and the memory card wiped clean to hold the 1000s of pictures of our expedition. Our destination: Indianapolis, Indiana. Our goal: Discover the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. The 5 of us climbed into the Dawson Family All-Terrain Exploration vehicle (the family Jeep, as other’s call it) and headed South from Noblesville into adventure.

After arriving at the Museum and showing our Exploration badges (our Membership card) with the Expedition guards at the front door (the ticket people, as those non-explorer types call it) we embarked on our adventure. Rumblings and stories from fellow explorers that had come before us spoke of dinosaurs roaming freely on the grounds. Our in-house Dinosaur expert and part-time Paleontologist hobbyist, Ephraim Dawson, surveyed the scene and discovered there were indeed Dinosaurs. After mingling with their kind and learning some key facts about their lifestyle, we disembarked from their habitat just-in-time before a large storm engulfed the area.

We quickly moved on to Egypt, where we had heard from one of our secret sources (the Children’s Museum newsletter) of an open-air market in the area, complete with traditional music and locals in traditional garb. After discovering the area, Noblesville, Indiana renowned Egyptologist Emma Dawson (part time, of course – homework first) uncovered an ancient Egyptian mummy. In the process, we learned about the way another country lives on the other side of the world.

Not content with just discovering dinosaurs and mummies, the family moved on to discover marvels of modern science, and learned how dams and waterways are created, while chief family architect and famous designer Noah Dawson built structures with his superior architectural skills for other explorers to enjoy as they passed through the same trail.

It was a good day, but even the best of explorers require rest and sustenance. We finished our day with a rewarding but healthy snack at the local Farmer’s Market (also called by the locals as the snack bar/cafeteria). Our journey done, we climbed back into the Family Jeep and headed home. Tomorrow, after all – is another day. Where to next? Maybe space? Perhaps we shall have to visit this place again.

Name: Grant Dawson