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Introducing Creed Anthony, Blog Ambassador

This post was written by Children's Museum Blog Ambassador, Creed Anthony. Follow Creed's posts on the blog or follow him on Twitter @acjlist

My name is Creed, and I have the unenviable task of batting lead-off for a group of talented Indy bloggers. Prepare to be underwhelmed. It is my pleasure to serve as a Blog Ambassador for The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. 

I am a husband to an amazing woman, father to two budding superheroes (boy aged 3 and girl aged 7), and I am excited to share some of the inspirational things that spark our curiosity when we visit The Children's Museum, and the conversations, activities, and (dare I admit it) learning that ensues. 

My family has had membership status at The Children's Museum for about 7 years. It has been a staple of my parenthood, and my kids' childhood. Little known fact—my father-in-law cast the mold for the Fall Creek watershed in ScienceWorks that many of you (or your children...maybe both?) have enjoyed splashing in, so you can say that my family has been involved with the museum for years.   

In addition to the honor, and privilege, of serving as a Blog Ambassador for The Children's Museum, I am an educator, seasonal stay-at-home dad (during my breaks from school), blogger (obviously), organizer of the Indy Dads Group (if you are a dad, please join us), and part-time selfie instructor. Okay, that last one was a bit of a fib. You can find my blog at talesfromthepoopdeck where I write—as The Captain—about navigating the stormy waters of fatherhood. I also publish posts on (along with three other Indy Dads), and I am no guru or expert. I am a curious dad with curious kids who likes to write (and take the occasional Santa Selfie™). 

A few more things you should know about me...

While my wife is a Hoosier, I am was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. My favorite part of the museum (aside from the pizza in the food court) is Dinosphere, and my favorite traveling exhibit was Hot Wheels For Real (with TRANSFORMERS: Robots in Disguise pulling in a very close second).

I look forward to being one of your tour guides of all things Children's Museum inspiration for the next 6 months. Thanks for reading—now go explore! 

Inspired by Curiosity,